Sunday, September 03, 2023

Cynical Bastard

Today is September 3, 2023.

The thing I really enjoyed about blogging from the start was the feeling that it opened up my world. I used it as an online journal, someplace to to write out my thoughts and share my struggles. And what I got in return was an enormous amount of kindness from all different sorts of people.

Then my kiddos came along and I stopped writing publicly, as my world shrunk to the size of a baby, then toddler, then child, now teenager. So much of the generation of my kid is lived online without their consent. I did not want to contribute to that.

This past week I learned that one of the bloggers who had offered me enormous kindness passed away at far too young of an age. As we moved from blogging to other types of social media, I kept in touch with him and counted him as a friend. 

I've walked around in a bit of a fog since I heard the news. feeling very much like it is really the permanent end of something special. My world feels just a little bit smaller right now.

Rest in Peace, Cynical Bastard. Thank you so much for being kind when I needed it the most.