Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Under Pressure

This past weekend my friend K admitted to two of us that she was feeling pressure to get pregnant. She is in a difficult position, with me 10 weeks 6 days (but who is counting?) from my due date, a second mutual friend about to embark on the long road of fertility treatments and M, who quietly announced to K and myself (after putting her foot firmly in her mouth over some comments about my food choices) that she was 5 weeks along and on her second attempt to have a baby. (1)

M and I were blunt in telling her that just because every woman she seemed to know right now was gestating, there was nothing wrong with her not wanting to have children, either right now or ever. I pointed out to K that my pregnancy was more an accident then anything else, that I had considered terminating, that the depression was bad enough to keep me from getting out of bed some mornings and would be a major factor . M reminded K about the horrors surrounding the end of her first pregnancy.

We both stressed that this was not something a woman did because her friends were doing it. This was something a woman did because she felt it was the correct decision for her. We were both brutally honest in discussing our feelings.

I hope it helps her.

(1) I ordered a salad with gorgonzola cheese and an iced tea. In an attempt to be funny, she asked me if I knew about the prohibition against pregnant women eating unpasteurized cheese and drinking caffeine. My response was not good natured and J, listening in on the exchange, politely told her where he thought the medical establishment could stick their food rules. M pulled me aside later and explained that she had been trying to be funny, recounting the ordeal of her first pregnancy, which ended in an abortion at 16 weeks when she learned the fetus tested with a 1/5 chance of Trisomy 21.

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