Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day 2018 - The One with the Dysfunctional* In-laws

It has been a very long time since I had cause to write about my in-laws. Since Boy Alien came along, we all had settled down rather well. The boundaries J and I built so we could balance the raising of a child with familial demands were working out well. They were not always happy with our decisions, but at least they had the sense to not complain about them in my presence.

But there has been upheaval in J's family recently, which has resulted in J's parents, especially J's father, returning to their passive-aggressive, boundary pushing ways. I am hoping that this is merely a glitch, that once the upheaval is resolved, J's parents will settle down again. Otherwise there will be several miserable months and I will be the one causing the misery.

Part I - The Background

J's brother, Awesome BIL, is a priest, . Last fall ABIL realized he was burned out to the point that it was affecting his relationships with everyone. He saw himself becoming mean and passive-aggressive and turning into someone he recognized and did not like. He recognized that he was becoming like many of the older priests he interacts with - joyless and angry.

So he went on a forty day retreat. Forty days turned into a six month leave of absence, which appears to been extended another six months. In short, ABIL is working out his his issues. Working a secular job, attending therapy, learning how to reconcile the secular and spiritual in his life.

It is very important to emphasize that ABIL wants to remain a priest.

Over the years I have "gotten away with" saying things to ABIL that his parents and most people can not and would not say to a priest. Because ABIL is still a human and needs his agnostic, unconventional-by-his-family's-standards brother and SIL to keep him humble.

Is is of no surprise that J's parents are very unhappy with ABIL's current situation.

So what do you do when your adult-in-their-late-forties-child life seemingly spins out of control, even though said child actually has situation firmly in hand and is taking the necessary steps to get better?

If you said "Try to control one of your other adult-in-their-forties-children" you win a cookie!

Part II - The Miscommunication

Last week Boy Alien made a request to spend the Saturday night at the in-laws. This is something he does regularly. Since J's parents were coming to watch Boy Alien play in his game and go out to lunch, they took Boy Alien back with them. J and I would pick him up on Sunday.

At that time, I had not been feeling well, due to side-effects of stopping my antidepressant (it was time). Starting or stopping this particular medication comes with multiple physical side-effects that cause misery for several weeks. I was in week two of withdrawal.

The day of the game was pleasant. Lunch was fun. Boy Alien went off with the in-laws, J and I went off to act like we were 25 and childless instead of in our 40's with a kid.

We woke up Sunday, puttered around, then drove to the in-laws to pick up Boy Alien. I agreed to come along on the ride on the condition that we did not stay for dinner, as I felt utterly terrible due to the withdrawal and because I acted like I was 25 the night before.

Due to construction and an accident (hello summer!) it took us 45 minutes longer the usual to reach the in-laws home, which put us perilously close to dinnertime.

We enter the house. The baseball game is blaring on the radio at a volume that literally shook the wall next to the radio. Same game is also on the television. It is very loud and warm.

And then the bomb is dropped on J and I. The family is celebrating parent's anniversary today. We staying for dinner, right?

J's siblings took it upon themselves to plan a meal for J's parents on Friday. None of them, including ABIL bothered to tell us.

J's parents knew when they came Saturday that this was happening. They did not bother to tell us.

J pushed back. We have things to do at home. I push back. I am not feeling well. We cannot stay for dinner.

ABIL backs us up, reminding his parents that NO ONE bothered to tell us. If ANYONE had bothered to pick up the phone or open their damn fool mouth with greater than 24 hours notice, J and I would have rearranged to accommodate.

FIL, being the asshat that he becomes when he sees that he will might not get his way, completely ignores us and suggests that I go lie down in the spare room. I go to the spare room in an attempt to pull myself back together before I go nuclear. I listen to the shaking of the wall and the blaring radio and cry tears of rage.

Thus J and I have boarded the wayback machine and traveled 15 years in the past to pre-Alien days. Those halcyon days in which his parents pulled this exact stunt all the damn time. If I had the energy, I could probably find one of the entries I wrote about this exact thing.

We collect Boy Alien. We head home. We eat sandwiches for dinner in our quiet house.

Part III - The Fallout

In a reasonable family, it would have ended there. Parents and siblings would have been reminded of the importance of communication, admitted that their feelings of hurt and disappointment are their own damn fault and tried to do better going forward.

J's family is not that kind of reasonable. On Monday J receives a phone call informing him that there will be a Mother's Day dinner at eldest brother's house. No words are said, but the subtext is very, very clear. We hurt feelings, and now we must pay.

So we come full circle. Since J's parents can not do anything for ABIL, they will do (in their minds) the next best thing and attempt to control the youngest child and his family, because we are not on the right path* either and must be corrected.

*Chose your own expletive if so desired.

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