Monday, April 23, 2007

Blue Skies

In spite of the Penguins failure to make it out of the first round of the playoffs, life is good in Pittsburgh these days. Three straight days of sun, blue skies and warmth will do that to a person.

Naturally I spent one of those three days inside.

I am not a very tidy person. I'll do dishes and scrub the toilet and my things are put away because otherwise I would never remember where I put anything down. Other household chores such as vacuuming and dusting I allow to slide until the dust bunnies are the size of actual bunnies and the cats are chasing them down for their own amusement. Such was the condition of my study when I decided to clean yesterday.

It took five hours. In five hours I sent the colony of giant dust bunnies to a dignified death, cleared and dusted all my bookshelves, wiped the books down and managed to create a pile of discarded volumes for Goodwill. There is an actual space at my first-apartment-kitchen-table for my laptop and ample room to set up my easel if I feel like painting. There is even a placeholder for the final Harry Potter novel on the shelves.

Unfortunately, as part of the project I also shelved all the books I have not read yet, so I had to go back through and mark them so I would not forget. And the printer is sitting in the bedroom until I can find a place for it elsewhere.

And my ever increasing collection of funky little guidebooks of Paris is living on the table I just managed to clear off. The latest addition to the collection is the Moleskin City Notebook Paris, which I picked up in Barnes and Noble on Friday night before attending the late showing of Hot Fuzz.

1 comment:

  1. I really need to have a big clean up day. But, I keep thinking of other fun things to do instead.
