Sunday, June 17, 2007

Tagged Again - Seven Things

Warning! Entries to continue to be spotty throughout the summer months as J and I attended to summer.

My new (to me) favorite band right now has to be Moxy Fruvous. How can one not love a band who sings a song called "My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors"?

I'm also curious as to how I missed them before, as they are most distinctly Canadian.

Foilwoman tagged me with a Seven Things About me That Might Surprise You / Miscellaneous Meme. I'm not tagging anyone. Everyone should be out enjoying this glorious summer.

Seven Things About Me That Might Surprise You.
  1. Although I get up quite early, but I am absolutely the furthest from a morning person you will ever meet.
  2. My favorite food is day-old cold fried chicken, straight from the refrigerator.
  3. It took me almost ten years to learn how to cook rice properly.
  4. Up until the age of 22, I hated cats.
  5. I have a fraternal twin brother.
  6. I'm afraid of heights when I have to cross over very tall bridges. But only if I am in a car.
  7. I like Mad Magazine.
Top Five Favorite Places to Eat.
  1. Mallorca.
  2. Morton's.
  3. Pamela's.
  4. Fatheads
  5. Crazy Mocha
Nicole (Sydney, Australia)
Velverse (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
LB (San Giovanni in Marignano, Italy)
Selba (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Olivia(London, England)
ML (Utah, USA)
Lotus (Toronto, Canada)
Tanabata (Saitama, Japan)
Andi (Dallas [ish], Texas, United States)
Todd (Louisville, Kentucky, United States)
Miss Kendra (los angeles, california, u.s.a)
Jiggs Casey (Berkeley, CA, USA! USA! USA!)
Tits McGee (New England, USA)
Kat (Ontario, Canada)
Badgerdaddy (Ludlow, Shropshire, England)
Dandelion (England, Great Britain)
All Cobblers (The Sticks, England)
Foilwoman's Diary (Somewhere near Washington, DC, USA) -- your resident sort-of-superheroine.
Belletristic Cat (Pittsburgh, PA)


  1. There are few things better than cold fried chicken. Either a late night snack or lunch the next day. It's just awesome.

  2. Hey, Jenn, you doing okay? Haven't seen you around lately. Just saying hey, hoping all is well.

  3. Thanks. I thought I had commented earlier. Maybe I did, but blogger isn't liking my comments much of late. Anyway, I agree on the day old fried chicken. That's why picnics were invented.
