Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dear Media,

Especially Maureen Dowd...

Enough commentary on the Clinton's marriage. Enough "conversation" about what Senator Clinton should or should not have done to deal with her husband's multiple extramarital affairs. Enough snark about how a vote for HRC will only put her husband back in the White House. Enough discussion over her inability to "control" him. And God forbid that even one of you admit that maybe, just maybe, Senator Clinton accomplished something using her own considerable talents.

Marriage is difficult enough to negotiate on the private stage in which J and myself conduct our relationship. I can't imagine what it must be like to try maintain a relationship on such a public stage, for so many years.

So you who decries the divorce rate, you who complains that we live in a society that does not value marriage or family, you who cannot conceive of the myriad of ways in which a marriage can thrive, it is time for you to shut, the fuck, up.



1 comment:

  1. It's only just beginning. If Hillary wins the nomination this is what we will get the whole summer long. This and "new revelations" about Whitewater and Travelgate and all the rest of the Clinton scandals of the 90s.

    That's part of why I voted for Obama.
