Thursday, February 28, 2008

Right Wing Clash of the Titans

My sense of humor and writing abilities are off tonight. I want to write a post about the significance of the fight brewing between McCain and Donohue, but I just don't have it in me right now. I'm worn out from worry and the various battles I have had to fight in the past few weeks.

Meet Pastor John Hagee. Pastor Hagee, an evangelical and pastor of a Texas “mega-church” recently endorsed John McCain as his Presidential candidate of choice. Pastor Hagee's pastimes include suggesting that natural disasters are the demonstrable wrath of God (ala Hurricane Katrina) and that Harry Potter will turn adolescents towards the occult.

And Hagee is an anti-Catholic in a vocal, the-Catholic-church-is-the-anti-Christ-and-caused-the-holocaust, way.

Equally vocal in protesting McCain's acceptance of Hagee's endorsement is professional victim, whiner* and head of the Catholic League, Bill Donohue. Bill Donohue enjoys spending his time seeking out anti-Catholic bigotry, leaving no straw un-grasped. Recent victories included a protest against the display of a chocolate crucifix titled "My Sweet Lord", a boycott of all forms of The Golden Compass and complaining about Kathy Griffin's 2007 Emmy acceptance speech.

A politician caught out for playing both sides of the field? Time to get out the popcorn toppings. Butter, salt, cinnamon or hot pepper?

*Writing a series of novels using the organizational structure of the Catholic church as a model is not anti-Catholicism. It is whining. Contrast this with having half your relatives disown you because of your religious tradition or a co-worker offer to marry you “so you'll be saved”.


  1. I bet Tim Russert, who disgustingly brought up Louis Farrakhan at the debate the other night in an attempt to hang Farrakhan's anti-Semitic around Obama's neck, and is Catholic himself, will NEVER ask McCain about Hagee.

  2. Also, normally when Donohue is all pissed off about something every single cable news channel gives him all the airtime he wants. I bet they refuse to have him on this time.

  3. Jay, I would not place money on either of those bets. I think you have it correct. The irony is that Donohue actually has a legitimate complaint. But he has cried "wolf!" too many times, which has affected his credibility.
