Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Can be found, at the end of a day in which I wonder why I bother interacting with humanity-at-large, by reading that even David Byrne has stupid accidents that break bones.

Humanity-at-large was in fine form in the Pittsburgh area today. Humanity as defined by the middle aged businessman who insisted on taking up all of his seat and half of mine on the bus this morning, forcing me to pretzel my upper body away from his elbows for the duration of the ride. I am amazed anew at how much space an average sized person can take up. And at the sense of entitlement that this man had, as he seemed to expand even further as we rode into town. I felt very little regret when I accidentally stepped on his foot on the way out the door.

Humanity is also defined as the middle aged woman I encountered this afternoon. She became slightly miffed when I could not tell her if her bus had passed by and repeatedly ignored my attempts to get away from the smoke of her cigarette by repeatedly moving closer to me.

And now the gods have gotten even with me for stepping on that man's foot by forcing me to trip over a loose, defunct telephone line wire running across the floor of the spare room door. Twice.

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