Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How Not To Resign From a Job

A storm came through at 8:30 last evening, filling the sky with an eerie, creamy gold-yellow light. It poured through the dining room curtains onto the floor. As I pulled apart the curtains in the front window to take a closer look at the sky, Axel leaned forward and viewed the world with wide eyes and J worried about tornadoes.

I want to write about the ongoing wrap up of work at my current position, but every time I sit down to craft an entry I have find myself sputtering incoherently with rage. Exquisite, homicidal, ferocious rage. The kind of rage that compels me to mix up "there" and "their", (as J pointed out to me in response to one of my recent rant-filled email missives), grind my teeth and come home with splitting, stress-induced migraines.

I have spent the past five working days being jerked around by an ersatz* manager (REAL manager was out dealing with a family crisis) who decided that part of the process of wrapping up my duties was to compel my co-workers to take on the sundry non-testing tasks under my domain. As the departing party, I have ZERO authority to compel anyone to do anything. Naturally ersatz manager was too busy to take on any of the tasks.

Although ersatz manager was busy, s/he** was not busy enough to provide me with work and insisted that put in a full eight hours even though I had absolutely nothing to do for 4.5 of the past 5 working days. Until this afternoon, when s/he repeatedly indicated that s/he expected me to work a full, eight hour day tomorrow (my last day), even though s/he is not the (pardon my Old English) fucking manager.

The moral of this story (and there have been other, unwritten indignities I'm too much worked up to write about) is that I shall never give two weeks notice, ever again.

*ersatz: substitute, artificial and often inferior; using substitute components.
**Trying to avoid gender. Just to clarify, ersatz manager is the same one alluded to in a previous post who is carrying on a "special friendship" with manager.

1 comment:

  1. Last time I gave my 2 weeks notice to anyone they told me to just GTFO. They actually told me I could come back after working hours to get my stuff when security could set it up and escorted me out. It made them feel better to act like they had fired me. They did it to everybody who turned in their notice though.
