Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Last night I was so tired that when I went through my bag this morning at the gym to pull out my work clothes I discovered that I had three pairs of clean underwear, but no bra.

Technically I had a bra, the sports bra I was wearing underneath my workout clothes. The one that was about to get extremely damp and smelly from my workout. The one with a really thick band that dries really slowly and itches like crazy until it does.

A kind woman rescued me from potential sweaty or bra-less misery by loaning me a spare she had in her bag. It was too small, too loose and had no elastic left, but it was something. I wore it to work and as soon as I could, I bolted across the street to a truly awesome lingerie store to purchase one that fit.

Since I started this new job I have been going to the gym in the morning. I can't say that I enjoy waking up between 5:00 and 6:00 AM to pull on workout gear and catch the bus. In fact, I can sincerely state that I really hate it.

It is a combination of factors, the least which how damn early it feels. I'm not as tolerant of people's foibles that early in the morning. The bus is surprisingly crowded at 5:45 AM. Unfortunately it is not crowded with people, but people's stuff. I counted three seats this morning I could have sat in if the occupants had not decided to spread out their possessions and then go to sleep. And I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt with the sleeping.

Especially exasperating was one man located on an outer seat near the front of the bus. Not only did he refuse to move when the woman sitting in the inner seat rose to leave, he also refused to slide over and refused to move when I attempted to take the inner seat.

So I hit him in the head with my very heavy, very full gym bag when I squeezed past him and sat down. And I did not apologize for it. Even after I clocked him in the head he refused to move when I rose to get off the bus. I nearly hit him again. And I did not apologize to him for it a second time.

I hate the gym in the mornings. It is almost unbearably hot and incredibly loud. Hot because the Y turns the air conditioning down at night and there are no windows for ventilation in the cardio / weight rooms. Loud because there is a group of middle-aged men who scream comments and hold conversations with each other from opposite sides of the room. They are so loud that I can not drown them out with my Shuffle on full blast.

And now, I go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, sounds like a rough few weeks. The whole bus thing sounds miserable. Hopefully you'll find a more pleasant path to work in the coming weeks.
