Monday, March 02, 2009

The Unwell Elevator

The elevator at work is "not well". This is not my phrasing, this is how my boss decided to describe the series of events that lead to the malfunction of the elevator - while I was inside it.

Every morning I go through the front door, check the alarm system* and walk down the hall to take the elevator to the upper floor.

Every morning this winter I have stepped on the elevator, noticed how c.o.l.d it is inside, press the button for the second floor and wait for the machine to rise and the doors to open

This morning I followed the routine, except the machine most definitely did not rise and open. Instead it started up towards the second floor, dropped with a teeth-jarring shudder, paused for too long and began heading down. To the basement.

Slightly perturbed by this turn of events, I pulled out my cellular phone and called the only coworker I was certain would be in the building at that time**. He was rather amused when I explained to him that I was calling from the elevator and that I appeared to be stuck. As we were discussing my options, the doors open and I stepped out into the basement.

My coworker was kind enough to tell me which door I needed to go through to get out of the basement and was waiting for me at the office back door.

When informed that the elevator has decided to stop working in rather dramatic fashion, my boss printed up a sign and taped it to the front door. Part of the sign reads:

"The elevator is not well. We think it has a cold".

Which was accurate in its way. The hydraulic fluid froze.

*I have set off the alarm three times since I started this job, much to my embarrassment and the amusement of my boss. Now I review the code in my head before I enter the building, just in case.
**I work with night owls. It was almost 8:45 and only one coworker was there. Most of them show up between 9 and 9:15 and leave around 6:00 in the evening.

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