Saturday, January 26, 2008

I Don't Know Why...

... I love this story, but I do.

In England, a farmer built a mock-Tudor castle, complete with turrets and a cannon. And concealed the structure with hay bales for four years to get around a zoning law which restricted the land to agricultural use.

It is the little details, such as the couple keeping their son from attending school on the day he was supposed to draw a picture of his house, for fear that he would draw a building made of hay, that capture my imagination.

How did this couple, with their young children, manage to keep a secret for so many years? How did they receive mail or packages? How did they keep friends or family members from dropping by? What address did they use to do such things are file their taxes? The logistics are astonishing.

I can't help but admire the couple for trying to do an end run around the zoning laws to build such a complicated and large structure. I mourn a little bit that they will have to tear it down.

1 comment:

  1. If they did that here the homeowner's association would be able to take their home from them and kick them onto the streets.

    Homeowner's associations are fascists.

    Cool story though. ;-)
