Sunday, January 27, 2008


One : Hockey on Versus sucks. West scored on East within the first 30 seconds of the game's start because Rick DiPietro, who graciously agreed to allow Versus to wire him with a microphone, was distracted by questions and forgot that he was supposed to be tending goal.

Two: Am I the only person who thinks the Whopper Freakout commercials reveal more about how violently self-entitled some of the “victims” are as opposed to the popularity of the sandwich?

Three: The Pittsburgh Penguins will be opening the 2008/2009 season against the Ottawa Senators in Stockholm, Sweden. J and I are still debating on whether to go to Munich for Oktoberfest, which conveniently ends on October 5th, one of the two days the Penguins are playing in Stockholm. I'm trying to convince J that a couple of days in Munich and a Penguins/Ottawa game would be an excellent vacation.

Four: What is it about male nude sculptures, that every single blessed last one of them in the Carnegie Museum of Art has a fig leaf covering their genitals? There were two exceptions, but both pieces had lost their penis at some point. I asked J, as representative of men everywhere, if seeing a full set (so to speak) would make him feel inferior.

J rolled his eyes.


  1. Your plans to go see the hockey match are excellent. Although I might be tempted to just stay in Munich and drink. But maybe that's just me. ;-)

    I have a friend in The Netherlands who wants me to come visit her next summer during Euro 2008 (Soccer). She said we could take the night train to wherever in Austria the Dutch national team is playing, go to the match and then take the train back to Amsterdam (well, then on to Zwolle which is were she lives).

    It's really tempting but I can't go. It really sucks being poor. lol

  2. I'm disturbed by the Whopper commercials as well. I think many of our ugliest moments as a society have probably occurred in fast food restaurants.
