Monday, December 07, 2009

Filed Under...

...things you should not say to a woman entering week 37 of pregnancy:

“Oh, you are too high! You are not going to drop for weeks. Its gonna be a while yet before you have that baby”.

Then giggle and start talking about how you did 10 jumping jacks on a hot summer day to make your water break, which it did the next morning, and how horrified you were because 10 jumping jacks may have ruptured the placenta.

Continue in this vein for several more minutes, bragging about how early all your children were and offering unsolicited advice while ignoring the frosty silence and stiff smile of the luckless pregnant woman forced to listen to such twaddle.

Compound that with having to listen to conversation about "how wonderful" it would be to have an infant at Wigilia this year, as if my sore, sleep deprived, learning-how-to-breastfeed ass will want to do nothing more than feed the infant, pack myself into a car, drive an hour and subject myself to 30+ people in a small room.


  1. You need a bodyguard to smack all these clueless people before they even start talking. They are SO annoying.

    All I can say is to try to hang in there as best you can. You're almost there, really.

  2. Put your fingers in your ears and loudly sing "la la la" repeatedly until these helpful individuals STFU already. That's my best suggestion.
