Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Animal Meme

Tagged by the Fabulous Foilwoman...

1. An interesting animal I had.
None of the animals I have owned, either as a child or an adult, have been terribly interesting to anyone else but myself except for Axel, two-legged kitty extraordinaire. And technically, he is J's cat, not mine.

2. An interesting animal I ate.
Ostrich, on a pizza.

3. An interesting thing I did with or to an animal.
What a creepy question.
I used to take my cat Squeak for rides in my car. He loved to ride in the car.

4. An interesting animal in a Museum.
Dinosaurs. Because some people think they are a hoax.

5. An interesting animal in its natural habitat
Polar bears, although I've only seen them in National Geographic.

1 comment:

  1. People around where I live no longer believe that Dinosaurs are a hoax. The accept that they did live on Earth and were killed by Noah's flood about 4,000 years ago. The same flood that made the Grand Canyon. LOL ;-)
