Sunday, October 14, 2007

Into the Frying Pan Again

My mother called at 2:00 PM this afternoon. I was sitting in the car, excited to be out in the fall sunshine and ready to ride the Eliza Furnace Trail. J was taking the bikes off the back of the car.

My twin brother has been re-activated and must report for duty on January 5, 2008. He is being shipped off to Fort Benning, GA to serve another year of support in whatever-the-hell-we-are-calling our current adventure in Iraq. My brother, who all ready served 13 months in Kuwait, who was due to be released from the reserves in 2008 after serving 15 years.

I was told that my brother's second activation will be served state-side, but I don't believe it. And I am, not to put too fine of a point on it, PISSED. So angry that I kicked the car multiple times, precipitating an exchange of angry words between J and myself for almost damaging the car. A ten mile bike ride, homemade clam chowder and two cherry vodka's with Coke has not calmed me down.

I'm pissed because my brother was supposed to be married in December 2008. I'm pissed because his last deployment turned my mother into a utterly joyless basket case, unable to take pleasure in even the smallest thing in life. I'm pissed because my brother, who does not believe in this war, does believe in honoring his commitments and WILL join his unit on January 5 while legions of white, middle class conservative republican supporters in their twenties sit behind desks and spout about Bush's nobility instead of getting their lazy privileged assess to the recruitment office and actually serving.

So instead of writing about a beautiful fall day, the interesting graffiti, the dream trip I never knew I wanted and that Butler Street in Lawrenceville (Pittsburgh) made it into the New York Times I have only these words left:

So once again, Suck it, Bush.


  1. If you use that phrase again, you'll find yourself the recipient of a National Security Letter, young lady!

    I'm sorry to hear about your brother and wish him a safe and speedy return from wherever he is.

  2. My brother's oldest just got sick of underemployment and raised his right hand. I think he'll report to Fort Jackson for his haircut after Christmas. Oh, well.
