Friday, March 31, 2006

Too Funny


J pointed out to me when I read the quote to him the the writer was putting a positive spin on a bad situation. He is correct and I was mean spirited to say the remarks were stupid. So I'm editing out "stupid" and replacing it with "strange".

I think this may be my new, favorite, strange quote:

"For the last 6 months, I prayed that God would cause my family (brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, parents, etc) to come to know Jesus in a personal way (some to return to Him and some who have never known Him), so they wouldn't be left behind when the Rapture occurs. I've been praying this consistantly, quoting scripture, in my prayers, and believing that Jesus would hear and answer me.

Well my prayers were heard, and answered.

Last week I was diagnosed with an illness (prefer not to go into details) and now my family are all climbing over one another to get into church and pray for me."

For more go to Fundies Say the Darndest Things!


  1. Oh good lord (pardon the expression). I'm not so sure your initial characterization was incorrect. I personally find such beliefs to be bizarre and not reality-based. But to each his own, I guess.

  2. You are correct that "bizarre" is a more accurate characterization. And it was definitely NOT reality based thinking. J's greater point was that I was falling into a trap by thinking fundamental = stupid.

    Of course the illness could very well be something easily treatable.
