Sunday, March 12, 2006

Weekend Getaway

Tired of the weird winter weather and life in general, J and I packed ourselves into the Volvo on Saturday morning and headed towards Niagara Fall Ont, Canada.

J and I used to travel on weekends often when we lived in our respective cities in North Carolina. He would call me on a Thursday night and say “Feel like hitting the road kiddo?” Friday afternoon would find me in my car headed for Charlotte. From there we would normally head towards the Carolina coast for some beach fun. We somehow always managed to squeeze something vaguely educational from those trips, from visiting Kitty Hawk to climbing the Cape Hatteras lighthouse.

Since we moved back North, we have not traveled as much. There seems to be greater demands on our time and a greater demand that we check in with J's family before going anywhere. So slipping out of the country for 36 hours was a real treat for the two of us.

The Falls are partly frozen this time of year, with enormous chunks of ice and snow mixing with the falling water and huge ice floes in the river below. The air was warm but the wind coming off the water was cold, cold, cold.

After viewing the Falls, we walked through the town, had a late dinner and briefly hit Fallsview Casino. We stopped by Casino Niagara this morning before heading home. A pit stop in Erie for Mighty Fine Donuts and we arrived home to three messages from his family on our answering machine. Apparently they were upset that we did not return the first two.

We also got an introduction to Don Cherry via Hockey Night in Canada. He was dressed like a deranged leprechaun, in a high collar shirt, kelly green tie and green and blue checked suit. The tie did not match the suit.

Penguins fans don't like Don Cherry.

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