Sunday, May 28, 2006

Small Annoyances

There is a billboard we pass on the way to J's parents house. It is mounted outside a Catholic cemetery and usually displays a conservative religious message. Normally I don't pay much attention to it, except as another sign that clutters the landscape.

The billboard's latest message has made me uneasy. It shows a young woman dressed as a bride in the foreground, with her groom gazing at her with adoration in the misty background. The text reads "Marriage...God's answer to safe sex".

Why is the (female) bride clearly seen in the foreground while the (male) groom is obscured?


  1. Argh! Those kind of ads drive me crazy. For an example of a time when they are not afraid to have a guy front and center, remember that famous photo of Bush and all the other old white men signing the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act?


  2. "Why is the (female) bride clearly seen in the foreground while the (male) groom is obscured?"

    Because the church, like our gov't is realy only concerned with controling women. Men will be men, and boys will be boys, and that's just fine. But, they must maintain control of women.

    That's why there are laws that say that health insurance companies can refuse to cover the pill or other contraceptives, but no laws stopping them from covering Viagra.
